Junior High School

School Learning Outcomes

School Learner Outcomes are based on the following tenets:

  • RESPECT = Empathy, Dignity
    • I respect myself, the campus, the students and the staff of SBJHS.  We may have different perspectives and not always agree but we will work together toward the common goal of success.
  • RESPONSIBILITY = Ownership, Accountability, Obligation
    • I am responsible for my actions. I understand that my actions can affect my class, my school, and my community.
  • REPAIR = Fix, Make It Right
    • I will repair any harm to any relationship, even if I did not mean to cause harm.
  • RELATIONSHIPS = Family, Team, Community, Friendship
    • I will develop, improve and maintain positive/healthy/caring relationships in my school and community.
  • REINTEGRATION = Welcome Back, Another Chance, Opportunity, Restore
    • I will reintegrate all people involved in conflict into our class, school, and community.  I will also discourage future conflict through our words and actions to maintain a positive healthy community.

Embedded in the culture of SBJHS is the expectation that all students will be present, punctual, prepared, ready to participate and productive. Students successful in the following six areas will “empower them to reach their full potential as responsible, ethical and productive citizens:”

Attendance, Preparation, Productivity, Promptness, Consideration of Others, Respectful of Property

With the above six criteria are the following expectations for students which will lead to their success:

  • A role model for other students
  • Exceptionally well prepared, motivated, optimistic, positive, helpful & friendly
  • Seated, quiet & ready to work
  • Completes assignments in a timely basis the majority of the time
  • Participates well in class activities, cooperative and helpful
  • Goes above and beyond the basic class requirements
  • Infrequently, if ever, absent or tardy
  • Not mean, rude, disrespectful or disruptive
  • Volunteers to help out in class
  • Does not make fun of or put down others