Junior High School

Special Education

Special Education Courses Offered at SBJHS:

Seventh/Eighth Grade: Santa Barbara Junior High is a participant in the district-wide Special Education Program.  The following support services are offered to meet the individual needs of identified students.

Adapted Physical Education (Boys/Girls): Students with exceptional needs who required modified or individualized instruction are serviced by an Adapted Physical Education Specialist within a general Physical Education class.  Only students who have been assessed and qualify for Adapted Physical Education are to receive services by the Adapted Physical Education Specialist. 

Specialized Academic Instruction: Specialized academic instruction provides direct or indirect Instructional assistance in the basic academic areas to those students who have an identified handicapping condition.  These services may include individual assessment, planning, and implementing appropriate classroom interventions and/or modifications.  Students are supported in general education classes through collaboration or direct individualized instruction provided by special education teachers.  Students in the Resource Program receive support services less than 50% of the school day.  Students who are identified as Special Day class receive 50% or more of their school day  receiving specialized academic instruction.

Speech/Languages Services: This program is designed for students who would benefit from support in the following areas: articulation, dysfluency (stuttering), voice (high pitch, hoarseness, nasality), receptive language skills (understanding what is said), and expressive language skills (being able to express one’s self adequately).

Extensive Support Needs Program: A program for students with moderate to severe disabilities. A center-based program which provides whole class, small group, and individualized instruction. The curriculum includes Math, English, Life Skills and Social Skills. 

The courses listed in this publication will accommodate students with disabilities and significant needs as required by the student’s Individual Education Program (IEP) and or Section 504 Plan.


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