Junior High School

Need Social-Emotional Help?

If you are a victim or a witness of teasing, harassing, bullying, intimidating and/or threatening behavior, it is important that you find a trusted adult to speak with. 

An administrator, counselor, teacher or staff member is always willing to listen and provide support.

Santa Barbara Junior High, as a part of SBUSD, uses CrisisGo for students to get help.

The CrisisGo app can be found on all student iPads as well as can be downloaded to any mobile device for free.

Remember, please report immediately, accurately, and truthfully.  We are here for you.

Families, please see below and attached for Community Youth Mental Health and Wellness Resources.

First page of the PDF file: CommunityResourcesSBJHdragged
First page of the PDF file: CommunityResourcesSBJH